Hi, I'm

Patt Corcoran

Coolest Mom in

the world

Woman portrait

A little more about myself

As we were traveling in Ireland, my son thought it would be a good idea to buy me my own domain - the site you're visiting now! This is a place where I can share photos and thoughts with the world.

Chocolate and hearts

These are my boys. The one on the far left is a goober, but he also shot the lowest round in Ireland and won the most Guiness games.

Woman sunset

This is me and my hubby taken not too long ago. We're pretty cool.

Two dogs

This is our Kyleigh girl. She chunk!

Living la vida jubilada

My husband and I are enjoying retirement mostly from the beach in Hilton Head Island, but occasionally we get the itch to travel the country or go abroad.

Some of my thoughts

Writing is a fun past time for me. I almost became a journalist at PSU!